Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co.,Ltd
27000DWT Bulk Carrier
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1700TEU Container Vessel
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2800TEU Container Vessel
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13500 m3 Trailing Suction Ho
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16888 m3 Trailing Suction Ho
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2000 DWT Multi-purposes Vess
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Excellent primary-level organizations of the CPC
Central Enterprises Ideological and political work advanced Company
Eight Session for Excellent National Equipment Management Company
2009 full-time Fire Brigade Sentry Training Advanced Company
2010 Winning Prize for Financial Management Innovation Speech
Third Session Shipping News Advanced Press
2010 Designation for Guangzhou QC Team
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Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co.,LTD Copy Right
Address: No.1 Wenchuan Road, Hongshan Street, Huang Pu, Guangzhou Postcode: 510727
Tel: 020-82389933 Fax:020-82381339
Maintenance Unit : China State Shipbuilding Corporation Information Technology Center Address: No.5 Yue Tan North Street, Western City District, Beijing
TEL:08610-59518822 Fax:+8610-59517959
备案号:粤ICP备 07076892号